24 November, 2010

This is not a Drill, Just Another Glorious Day in the Oilfield

This is not a Drill, Just Another Glorious Day in the Oilfield by Paul Carter

Paul Carter wrote the book with my favourite title for the year - Don't Tell Mum I Work on the Rigs, She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse. Seriously, I don't even get sick of typing it!

This is not a Drill is the follow up and is filled with many more hilarious stories of life as a worker on the oil rigs. Mind you, several of those stories are only funny once you realise they made if off the rig alive. There is also a slightly more serious section that deals specifically with Afghanistan and the circumstances there.

Once again, I listened to this in the car and loved hearing Paul Carter read it. I'd love to invite Paul Carter over for dinner, although I don't think I would even attempt to match him drink for drink!