14 October, 2010

The Book of Illusions

The Book of Illusions - Paul Auster

I read this for my October book group.

I've never read Paul Auster before, although now that I have read this, I see him every where!

In The Book of Illusions, David is trying to recover from the death of his wife and two sons in an accident six months ago. Not surprisingly, he is finding it tough going. One night he watches an old silent movie and finds himself laughing for the first time in a long time. He sets off to research the main actor in the movie, Hector Mann and ends up writing a book about him which sets off a chain of events destined to change him forever.

I always feel like a fraud reading books like this. I liked it, I enjoyed it, but I feel there is more to it that I just don't get. I'll go to book group with not a lot to say and sit and listen to the others come up with these wonderful deep insights and think "why did I not see that!" Having said that, I saw the ending coming and didn't want to finish.

Looking at the comments about this on good reads, I gather this is not Auster's best book. I must admit that has interested me in reading some of his other, earlier stuff.